On newer DxWnd Versions the game refuses to run:Error "The detected configuration does not match your current hardware. Please re-run the configuration tool."Yes, that error usually happens due to graphics settings and there have been issues in the past with people getting the game to run (in general though you just need to rerun the configuration tool and save & configure everything), but this error only happens when Generations is ran from DxWnd, so it's not the usual error.This was mentioned recently here, so I wonder if this change has anything to do with it. =25#2a31
Whywern I tried to write instead of: "Intel (R) HD Graphics Family" This is: "NVIDIA GeForce 540M" when starting the game, the result is the same "The detected configuration does not match your current hardware. Please re-run the configurations tool." When the Configuration tool is launched, Intel's vidyuha is shown, and when saved to Graphicsconfig.cfg, it is reset to the default Intel.
sonic generations configuration does not match
Sonic generations configuration does not match, sonic generations the detected configuration does not match your current hardware, sonic generations detected configuration does not match hardware, sonic generations the current configuration does not match, sonic generations pc the detected configuration does not match, sonic generations the detected configuration does not match, sonic generations detected configuration does not match current hardware, sonic generations critical error configuration does not match, sonic generations detected configuration does not match your current hardware Here is a finished configuration file as an example:ĭo not manually edit this file, use the configuration tool.Sonic Generations Configuration Does Not Match Delete the contents of this line, so you are now left with a blank line. You should see a line that says something like "MONITOR\LGD0292\\ 0000" (this will vary depending on your exact setup, just look for line of this format), it should be the second to last line.Replace this with the name of your NVIDIA adapter as it appeared in Device Manager.
The second line will be the name of your Intel adapter.
Go to Sonic Generations installation folder.
Use the Sonic Generations configuration tool to configure the game to your liking and save.
To be sure you have the whole name, open the adapter's properties in the same menu, switch to the Details tab, select "Device Description" from the drop-down, and right-click, copy the displayed information. Make a note of the exact name given to your NVIDIA adapter (including the use of capitalization). Open it and expand the "Display Adapters" item. Open "Control Panel" and look for the "Device Manager".
Add the sonicgenerations.exe executable and set the preferred graphics processor to be the NVIDIA one. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel, go to "Manage 3D Settings" then "Program Settings".
(Revert any changes you made in Method 1, if necessary: alter the Screen Resolution settings to Show Desktop Only on 1, Apply, then pick Remove This Display on the NVIDIA screen, and Apply again).
This fix is known to work on GeForce GT 555M, GeForce GT 540M, and GeForce GT 525M chipsets. Some people have said that the now-force-activated Nvidia card took control anyway at this point, solving the problem. If not, try running the Sonic Config again and this time deliberately select the non-Nvidia card.
Now start Sonic, and it will probably work. Open the Sonic Config tool and see if your Nvidia card is present (it really should be), and of course, choose it.
This will force-activate your discrete GPU. Choose extended desktop and apply again.
Choose your Nvidia card and select "Attempt to connect anyway on ".
Press Detect in this new Window (if you can see two displays that are grayed out and named after your video cards, you're probably good to go). Right click on it, and select "Screen Resolution". Select the option to force it to use Nvidia Graphics Card.
Click on "Manage 3D Settings" in the left side of the panel, and click "add".
See Essential Improvements and Modifications sections for more information.
Numba-compiled CPU and GPU functions (but not ufuncs, due to some technical issues) are specifically designed to support pickling. When a Numba-compiled GPU function is pickled, both the NVVM IR and the PTX are saved in the serialized bytestream. Once this data is transmitted to the remote worker, the function is recreated in memory. If the CUDA architecture of the GPU on the worker matches the client, the PTX version of the function will be used. If the CUDA architecture does not match, then the CUDA kernel will be recompiled from the NVVM IR to ensure the best performance. Figure 2 shows this process. The net result is that you can test and debug your GPU code on a mobile Kepler GPU, and then send it off to a Dask cluster of Pascal GPUs seamlessly.
While this example does a trivial amount of work, it shows the general pattern for using Numba with a distributed system. The function submitted to the cluster is a regular Python function that internally calls a CUDA function. The wrapper function provides a place to allocate GPU memory and determine the CUDA kernel launch configuration, which the distributed frameworks cannot do for you. When do_cos is submitted to the cluster, cloudpickle also detects the dependency on the gpu_cos function and serializes it. This ensures that do_cos has everything it needs to run on the remote worker. Typically when working with Dask, we lean toward higher level APIs to construct compute graphs, like dask.delayed, but for some iterative algorithms, directly working with futures is the most straightforward approach.
wget prior to 1.14 does not support Subject Alternative Name (SAN)*. PyPI uses a SAN as an alternative to its CN in its certificate, and wget is choking on the mismatch. Upgrading wget should resolve it.